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bodyMIND Wellness

4.8 ( 5888 ratings )
ヘルスケア/フィットネス フード/ドリンク
開発者 Imbodi, Inc

You are as unique as your fingerprint. Your genetics are different from everyone else. How your body and mind respond to specific foods or hormones or situations are also different from everyone else.

You are truly one of a kind. And ​your
​health care should be as one of a kind and original as you.

You need a program designed specifically for ​YOU.
​ .
You have the power within you to heal yourself. You were designed this way and you want help getting there. And that’s where we come in...

Dr. Sean Stringer and the bodyMIND team educate, inspire, and empower you to add more years to your life and MORE LIFE to your years.

And with the bodyMIND App, you literally have their own functional & lifestyle medicine physician, trainer, and life coach in their back pocket!

The bodyMIND App includes:

- Exclusive bodyMIND meal plans, fitness and lifestyle programs tailored for your goals
- Food and Movement Logs for daily accountability to your coach
- Body Composition, Meditation, & Sleep Trackers to track your results
- Take advantage of the Health App import data feature to easily share your health metrics (blood pressure, weight) and movement stats with the bodyMind team.
- Messaging support to answer your most pressing program questions
- 100’s of delicious great to eat recipes with weekly shopping lists so you know exactly what and how much to buy in order to reduce your grocery bill
- Optional Group Programs for those who want to be part of the bodyMIND tribe for additional support. Additional Group members also get: Membership to the bodyMIND private

- Optional bodyMIND 1:1 program: nutrition, fitness, and life coaching program with the bodyMIND Team.

The bodyMIND app utilizes highly researched, clinically proven, and constantly improved accountability and habit tools that make you exponentially more successful at obtaining your goals.

And best of all, it’s all this at your fingertips!